Tuesday 9 June 2015

Four week and counting down

We are just under four weeks until Ride the Rockies for Epilepsy starts, on July 6th. WOW – time is flying. The tour begins in Calgary South to HWY 3 West to Kamloops (and possible Hope then North to Kamloops). Then back along HWY 1 through Lake Louise, Banff and on home to Calgary. The route is dependent on road conditions and elevation change through the weeks. Easier route prevails of course.

No other riders have signed up to ride with me at this time. There are a couple of people going to join in for day trips, which is great. Not everyone has this amount of time. Given that I will be a solo long hauler, I will be making the trip a little quicker, with luck. It is planned to stop along the way just to take in the beauty of the scenery, take some photos and update everyone via Facebook and twitter.

Support is growing, just yesterday a gentleman by the name of Mr. Pat Cuthbert of Edmonton, asked if he could provide new tires for my road bike so I can continue training. This man knows highways and the importance of having the right tire, he is a semi-truck driver who travels North America continuously. Incredible people! I still have a few smaller items to get together and with time will be acquired.

The main and most important focus is to pack light and small. At most I will take the BoB trailer and two rear panniers. I am working on my needs list this week and hope everything fits in the trailer to take advantage of its aerodynamics. Certainly, I hope more people help me thank the SMU (seizure monitoring unit) with a small donation at the ride's GoFundMe account. That account is not setup to fund me cycling down the highways. It is to thank the SMU in it's entity with some funds. Funds to purchase what they may need to make their lives a little better.

Follow along with me during the Ride:

Adult epilepsy in the third highest disease after Cancer and Stroke to hit adults over the age of 60. I am so fortunate in that I only have Partial Seizures currently being controlled by medication. It is in the plans to have a procedure later in the year to deal with the AVM in my left temporal lobe. Lastly, I want to thank my family, for getting behind me with their time and support, incredible!

Thank-you All
The Backstory

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